A fashionable woman looking vibrantly happy in Europe sitting on a stone wall overlooking a canal.
How ALIVE are you?

Aliveness is EVERYTHING.

Aliveness is what we are attracted to and what we are here for! We are here on earth to create and enjoy LIFE itself.

Why do older people enjoy time with younger people and children? 

Why do we want to be fit, thin, healthy, and attractive?

Why do we love dance, art, music, and vibrant color?

Why do we pursue quality food that looks appetizing?

Why do we want to travel and have great experiences??

Why do we want to be around positive, energetic people?

Because we want to feel alive.

Every bit of the Image, Style and Soul Coaching work I do helps you UNLOCK YOUR ALIVENESS.



Most people aren’t feeling their most optimum because they have blocked or backed-up emotions.

This affects not only our mojo but also our level of attractiveness!

Backed-up emotions block our vitality and enjoyment of life.


1. First on the list of what 95% of my clients need?

An emotional release session.

Almost every client is a mix of sad, depressed, angry, shut down, blocked, can’t feel anything, cranky. 

(I help you learn to move those emotions first thing!)

Many times we are wearing our emotions on our sleeves, so to speak, even when we think other people can’t see it. 

But they can.



2. Once your mojo is back, we want to match that powerful back-to-your-best-self energetic mojo ON THE OUTSIDE of you.

When your VIBRANCE on the INSIDE matches the reflection of you on the OUTSIDE, I call that “authentic image.” 

This version of you is what you want to see in the mirror, and who you want OTHERS to see in every area of your life.

This is your most authentic, attractive self!


3. Style, Business, and Branding:

When we represent ourselves in our personal style and branding with the colors, styles, words and values that represent our authentic selves it comes across as vibrant, exciting and NOW

We look and feel like someone other people want to work with!

Ready to book your free consult?


Outside of working with me directly, here are some FAST, FREE tips you can use to LOOK your MOST ‘ALIVE!’



You need a fresh haircut about every 6 weeks.

You need to exfoliate the dead skin off your face and body. 

Nails trimmed and clean, teeth whitened, skin moisturized.

Grooming is about shedding the dead parts of us and feeling shiny and new.

Makeup: You need color on your face that makes you look like you have good blood flow and are beaming with youthfulness and vitality. 

The makeup COLORS you use need to make you look younger and more NATURAL that brighten your face, eyes and teeth! 

Fair-skinned women should avoid using too much brown, bronzer, or self-tanners on their skin. 

Brown lipsticks are aging and make your teeth look yellow.

Choose a natural shade of pink/lip color, like the color of a baby’s lips. 

Add a touch of color to your cheeks and lips that has a pink tone.


Similarly, your hair is VERY important regarding health, color, and shape in that all need to compliment your face and body to look their best. 

Great hair requires some genius to get it right. Take your time to find a great hairstylist. You have to have a hairstyle that matches your lifestyle so that you can make your daily hair results look like when you leave the salon. 


Aliveness is a representation of our desire to live and be seen as someone with verve, vibrancy, imagination, drive, fortitude, energy, excitement and excellence!!




If you’re feeling stuck in any of these areas –

or feeling blah, dumpy or frumpy! ….

set up a time with me ASAP for a complimentary chat because EVERY DAY of your life is precious, BABY!



With Love and Beauty,



Schedule YOUR FREE Chat Now: auretha/complimentary-consult