My Style Story

In my married 30s, I had a wake-up call – I looked and felt matronly, dumpy, frumpy, and blah. 
I felt much older than 35. 

Unlike most women who develop a sense of feeling ‘sexy’ or attractive in their teens and twenties, I had self-confidence in who I was, but I never experienced the rite of passage that most women go through in finding and owning their power around feeling beautiful.


I realized I had missed out on feeling attractive my entire life. 


My parents were very attractive and stylish artists and designers. I had grown up learning pride in my appearance and taking great care of my clothing and possessions. My mom was quite a beauty and I watched her applying makeup and Making Art and Home every day. She made our whole world beautiful.

In my early teens we had some family traumas occur and I got lost in the shuffle. I didn’t have anyone to hold my hand through adolescence.

When I looked at Brooke Shields’s body in the Calvin Klein ads, I just knew that I was broken. Something must be very wrong with my body because it didn’t look ANYTHING like hers. 

I felt awkward, big and dorky

Unsupervised girls develop eating disorders. 

My teens were rough.

As I grew up I got stuck in a “Good Girl” persona, performing for love.

I was smart in school but not cool. Once married to a musician, I spent 15 years in the ministry hiding out in the church world where no one wanted me to be too attractive, sexy, or powerful. (That would have been threatening.)

I hid in plain sight.

Making matters worse, I always struggled with weight fluctuations and dressing my hourglass body. I was thankful that I had ‘good hair’ and knew how to do skincare and makeup, but my body image was a rollercoaster. 

Friends told me I did a beautiful job “putting things together” as far as outfits and color, but I don’t remember having a sense of my personal style because it was more a matter of what I could FIND that fit my curves in a flattering way rather than what I really wanted to wear that expressed the TRUE ME.

I felt sad and frustrated every time I got dressed. 

Upon the insistence of my Grandma Doris (my first and best Coach and Cheerleader!) I started painting at 12 and became an award-winning watercolor portrait artist.


I had many creative gifts, especially psychic, healing, and ministry gifts but I didn’t know how to pull all my talents together into a career while following my heart’s need to help, encourage and heal people. 

After many years of selling clothing, art, makeup, and skincare, I was hired as a traveling Lancome makeup artist. During a promotion, a midlife woman sat while I did her makeup. As I piled the products high on her table, I knew she wouldn’t use them and I felt guilty even suggesting she buy them. I knew her heart was heavy, and I spent most of our time together trying to encourage her and make her laugh.

At one point, she raised her head to me, looked right in my eyes, and said with anguish,

“I’m turning into my mother right in front of my eyes, and I don’t know what to do about it. 
Can you come home with me and help me?”

In that moment, I knew

I knew how to use all my gifts to help people!

In 2004 I started going into client’s homes and designing their entire style, wardrobe, and self-expression from head-to-toe, even as I was working on my own.


 A Shift into Branding, Business & Working with Couples and Families

After an accident, my massage therapist insisted I attend classes by coaches trained under Drs. Gay & Kathlyn Hendricks of the Hendricks Institute. 

In those classes I found myself by reconnecting to my buried emotions.

As I let go of pent-up anger, sadness, and fear – joy, passion, and creativity started flowing! 

I dug deep and found my true self that had been hiding. I crafted my own attractive “Soul Style.” I finally looked and felt like a vibrant, attractive woman. 

In a few short months after starting classes, I began implementing the Body-Mind-Emotions Tools I was learning into my Style Sessions with my clients.

Applying Inner-Healing Tools and Body Mind Coaching, I led hundreds of men and women in releasing trauma, blocked emotions, and self-sabotaging beliefs, helping them reclaim their soul’s aliveness.

Having grown up with a depressed mom, helping others break through depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem felt like a big victory.

I finally had the tools to end suffering and make a real difference in people’s lives.

In my Outer Style Work, I matched my client’s outer image to what I perceived as their Inner Soul Expression, creating a unique result we named “Soul Style.” 

Watching all of this transformation, client’s spouses wanted in!
I started coaching couples and even whole families with the Hendricks Happiness & Relationship Tools.

With Inner and Outer Aliveness and Attractiveness now expressed, my clients were READY TO BE SEEN FOR THEIR BRILLIANCE in their careers and businesses.


I began integrating Dr. Gay Hendrick’s most authoritative work – helping people find and step into their “Personal Genius.”

With a deep understanding of each client and their genius, I started writing business and brand copy, helping them name and give birth to their businesses.

I was able to coach struggling business owners to create their businesses from an authentic place from the ground up, which saved clients years of wasting time trying to do businesses their hearts weren’t really into.

I brought all 15 years of my personal study with the work of Dr. Gay Hendricks into my work with my clients for their businesses, brands and families. 

After 20 years in the making, my body of work finally felt complete.

My clients find their Soul’s Expression in Life, Style, and Purpose TRULY from the Inside Out.

I’ve learned a profound truth – our external appearance or branding is only one part of the story.

Without feeling attractive and worthy on the inside, the outside won’t convey the vital energy of attraction we seek.

When we understand our Life Purpose and Message, we need to be completely comfortable in our VISIBILITY so we can shine our greatest Light, unhindered.

All my tools help you SHINE BRIGHTLY to share your Genius with the World!


Since 2004 I have helped hundreds of people find their confident soul, style, and purpose.

In my forties, I discovered my sexy style and my power of vibrancy and emotion. 

In my fifties, I found my perfect partner.

Facing new challenges with age, I navigate changes in my body, skincare, wardrobe, and business visibility alongside my clients.

Looking ahead, my life and business are set to explore Italy and Europe to find collaborations with high-quality clothing retailers and leather shoes, boots, and accessories that will live for a lifetime in my client’s closets. 

I’ll also be painting and designing as much as I can, helping my clients reflect their Soul Style in their homes and businesses.

What matters to me now?

As a wardrobe designer, psychic, healer, personal stylist, visionary, artist and life coach, I will be creating beautiful clothing and art tailored to the unique coloring, shape, lifestyle, and personality of my clients that reveals their brilliance and vitality.

Cheap fashion is the #2 global polluter.

Finding quality clothing attuned to our soul that is worth our investment becomes trickier and more costly to the planet each year, and I want to change that narrative.

Buying less with a curated wardrobe plan creates a more fluid, beautiful, luxurious and joyful experience of daily dressing, along with the pleasure of color, quality and textures we enjoy.

My mission goes beyond making clients look and feel amazing.

I see and express the authentic Soul & Style of amazing people who have more important things to do than wondering what to wear. 



(a perfect thing to discuss on our call.) Let’s Talk In Person.

With Love & Soul Beauty, Auretha

"Most people live their lives feeling UNSEEN.
I'm an expert at SEEING YOU.

I've had the privilege of guiding hundreds of amazing individuals towards Self-Discovery,

helping them uncover their unique gifts and happiness through embracing their Soul, Purpose, and Style,

sharing their Brilliance with the world with their Gifts and within their Brands."

Auretha Callison